Geomantic Shield Casting is a method employed to gain profound understanding in a specific realm of life or to seek guidance regarding a particular circumstance.

This technique involves constructing a shield chart (Barry does this by casting geomantic coins), which determines the four mother figures. From these mothers, the remaining components of the shield come into existence. These include the four daughters, four nieces, two witnesses, and one judge. The judge represents the ultimate outcome or answer for the individual seeking guidance.

The shield chart is constructed by arranging the sets of figures in a specific order, from top to bottom, right to left, forming a shield-like pattern.

How does the Shadow fit into the reading?

Shadow work is a profound and transformative journey that entails delving into the depths of our psyche to explore and embrace the unconscious aspects known as the shadow. This shadow represents the parts of ourselves that we have suppressed, rejected, or hidden away.

Drawing upon his expertise, Barry skillfully employs the judge figure to establish a connection between this symbol and a distinct aspect of the individual's shadow.

What will you receive?

One PDF File that includes:

✅ Completed Shield

✅ Yes/No Answer

✅ Interpretation of the Judge

✅ Shadow Aspect of the Judge

✅ Psychic/Medium Insights from Shield

*The donation for this service is special and will only be offered for a limited time.

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